About Dr Shenaz Ghood

As Extracted from an Interview with Proudly Muslims

Dr. Shenaz Ghood – Events Organiser, Transformational, Metaphysical Health Coach and Social Uplifter

“Who you’re being is far more important than what you’re doing.” This is one of many inspirational quotes by Dr. Shenaz Ghood, whose reservoir of infinite wisdom and knowledge could fill volumes of self-help books.  Two hours spent in her presence gifts one with more life lessons than could be learnt in ten years. She exudes a vivacious and optimistic energy, leaving those who have been lucky enough to make her acquaintance feel more enlightened and hopeful.

For the past 10 years, Shenaz has been uplifting people through many mediums of social and humanitarian work, unwrapping people’s potential to bring out their best selves. The 51-year old metaphysical health coach dedicates her life’s work to healing and helping others.

She lives by the motto: Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.

Shenaz’s greatest life lesson centres around the fact that people lose the essence of generosity and kindness by only assigning monetary value to it. However, even by simply just smiling at someone, it can change their lives. “There is so much reward even in the tiniest of deeds.” Shenaz says that serving humanity in the smallest ways is most profound and rewarding for her.

“Everyday we’re teaching, we’re educating, we’re training, we’re transforming.” – in her own words, Shenaz sums up everything she lives her life for. Silver linings are her expertise, and she never sees anyone at face value. Instead, she sees people for far more than they believe they’re worth. In the battlefield called life, we could all use a cheerleader like Shenaz Ghood, ardently motivating us from the sidelines.

While studying Pharmacy at Rhodes University, Shenaz began to realise that healing could come both physically and emotionally from alternate sources, other than medication. She left her studies soon after to pursue many different courses in energetic-healing modalities including Kinesiology, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, Magnetic Therapy and Acupressure. This mother-of-three also achieved her doctorate in Acupuncture through the Open University of Sri Lanka. Her current passion lies in Negative Emotional Decoding; helping people steer away from their dismissive emotions and channel their inner positivity instead. Shenaz believes that ‘love’ is the ultimate healing factor. Metaphysical health coaching is one of her many talents, and she provides therapy – often free of charge – to those who need it.

At 18, Shenaz started her own business, selling tracksuits to college students while on campus. She currently runs a successful hardwood flooring business. Her keen sense of business knowledge and savvy ingenuity is something she still carries with her today, and she constantly invents new concepts and seeks interesting opportunities.

Becoming a mother taught her selflessness, gratitude and unconditional love. Her dedicated and heartfelt involvement in social work can be ascribed to these irreproachable qualities. She leads by example, sharing her wisdom with her children and learning pivotal lessons through each of their life’s journeys.

 Islam isn’t merely a religion to Shenaz, it’s a way of life. It provides her with guidelines on how to live happily, healthily and wholesomely. Islam guides every step that she takes and encourages her to make differences in the lives of all those around her. Shenaz firmly believes in the love of Allah (God Almighty), as compared to the fear of Allah (God.) With her mother being a revert, she grew up in a staunch Islamic environment which led her to seek a deeper understanding of the science and sensibilities of the religion. She actively sets out to decipher the simple elements of Islam, stating that when you understand how every aspect is done, it imparts more meaning and makes you aware of living in the ‘now’.

She places prominence on the Arabic words ‘Bismillah hir Rahman-nir raheem”, stating that Allah (God) is most Kind, most Merciful, most Benevolent (Gracious and Serving), and says that if you could live by these words, what more could anyone want from you as a person. She regards Islam as a phenomenal religion, and that by understanding its dynamics, it puts one in a powerful and knowledgeable position. She mentions that sometimes the perception of Islam gets warped, however if you read the religion and apply it as what it truly is, it’s remarkable.

 Talking about taqdeer (fate), Shenaz extends her treasured insight: “Nothing in your past could be any different, because it has brought you here, Now.

Spirituality teaches us that everything happens for a reason. One should not dwell in the past – move forward, take what you have learnt and use it to improve upon yourself today.”

Shenaz finds the greatest satisfaction in the small wins she experiences each day.

Knowing that she has helped individuals in dire straits to overcome their difficult situations

gives her the most emotional fulfillment.

She advises other aspiring philanthropists to take care of themselves more and love themselves enough, because if you don’t, you won’t have anything left of yourself to give to others.